(He tells his fortune) He said, `I do not know why, but for you`s sake I will find out.`
(You are pregnant with his child)
When the eunuch saw the child he said, `I do not know who is the father, but as it is clear, this is the king`s child.`
(When the king heard this he came out to meet the eunuch. After saluting him and wishing him good health, he said)
`What do you want?`
`(The king said)`If you make me master of all the kingdom, I will make you master of the world, and in return I will make you master of all the earth and all mankind.`
(The king accepted the challenge)
As soon as the challenge was made, he put a ring on the king`s finger.
(When the king came out of the palace he saw the king sitting in front of his throne. He saw the ring on the king`s finger. The king was filled with happiness. He thought, `This is the one I was expecting for so long.`)
(One day) When the king was sitting on the throne, the queen was in her palace.
The queen was in her palace (thinking) `Let the king come to me, the most beautiful in the world.`
She opened the curtain and as soon as she saw the king coming toward her she ran out and ran toward the door.
(The king went to the queen and said)
`Have you seen my ring?`
(She said)
`Yes, you gave it to me the day you took your oath.`
The king said, `I gave you my oath, and you gave me yours, but as it is clear to me, you love another. Why did you promise to come to me and you did not come?`
(The queen said) `It is true that I love another, but I did not come because the king did not come with me, and so I was afraid.`
The king said, `You do not tell lies. So come to me.`
(She came)
`What do you want from me?`
`(The king said)`If be359ba680
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